Lane Co. Sheriff's Office
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News Release
5/11/24 - Suspect arrested for multiple thefts, including communication line, timber gates, and burglary (Photo) - 05/20/24

Branden Paul Sherrill, 41, is facing multiple criminal charges from cases spanning across Lane County.  

During the 2024 ice storm, Sherrill took advantage of the power outage to break into the Shotgun Park maintenance headquarters near Marcola. Sherrill stole a dump trailer, various tools, and power equipment. He then returned for a second burglary, stealing more tools from a storage shed and yard (LCSO Case #24-1680). 

On April 17th, an area resident of Richardson Upriver Road near Linslaw discovered three wooden utility poles had been cut down and a half-mile of telecommunications line stolen. A tow strap was used to pull down the line, and a remnant of the tow strap was still attached. The following week on April 24th, a deputy patrolling the area observed a vehicle with tow straps tied to the hitch and conducted a traffic stop. One of the tow straps matched the segment of strap found on scene (LCSO Case #24-1978). Sherrill was identified as the suspect.  

During that stop, evidence regarding the theft of two yellow BLM gates and one white Weyerhaeuser gate was also discovered (LCSO Case #24-2084). These gates had been cut up and stolen April 21st and scrapped at a local metal recycler on April 22nd.

Sherrill was located near Whittaker Creek Campground on May 11th. He was arrested and lodged at the Lane County Jail on a warrant for a probation violation. He has been charged with Aggravated Theft in the First Degree, Theft in the First Degree x2, Criminal Mischief in the First Degree x3, Burglary in the Second Degree, and Unlawful Use of a Vehicle.  Sherrill is still in custody as of May 20th

Attached Media Files: Arrested.png
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