Lane Co. Sheriff's Office
Emergency Messages as of 2:57 am, Sun. Oct. 6
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News Release
02/11/24 - LCSO Case #24-0714 -- Lane County Sheriff's Office Search & Rescue Recovers Remains using High Angle Rope Techniques (Photo) - 02/21/24

*UPDATE* - 02/21/24

The remains have been identified as Dustin Jay Steyding of Yachats.  


On Sunday, two Benton County Sheriff's Office Search & Rescue volunteers were hiking near Cummins Peak southeast of Yachats.  The volunteers had previously been involved in search efforts in the area for Dustin Steyding.  During their hike, they located human remains.

Lane County Sheriff’s Office Search and Rescue volunteers and deputies responded to investigate and recover the remains, which were near the bottom of an extremely steep coastal drainage with thick vegetation.  Operations took over ten hours and involved a steep angle rope system.  SAR volunteers and deputies used the rope system to raise the remains and recovery team 800 feet up the drainage to safe ground.  

The Lane County Medical Examiner's Office retained jurisdiction.  Additional information is being withheld pending positive identification of the remains.  

The Lane County Sheriff’s Office could not handle these types of calls and many others without the selfless service of our Search & Rescue volunteers.  Nearly every week, they assist with rescues in all types of environments and weather.  Learn more about our Search & Rescue program at

Attached Media Files: Cummins_Ridge.png
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