Lane ESD

Emergency Messages as of 1:16 PM, Sun. Feb 9

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News Release

Lane Education Service District Board Of Directors To Meet Tuesday, April 2, 2024 -03/28/24

The April 2, 2024  Lane ESD meeting of the Board will be held on the Lane ESD Main Campus and will begin at 6:00 p.m.  A Budget Preview Session will precede the Regular meeting at 5:00 p.m.  The agenda can be found at Lane Education Service District Public View - BoardBook Premier

The Board of Directors will conduct an Executive Session following the regular meeting to review and evaluate the performance of the superintendent or any other public officer, employee or staff member, unless that person requests an open hearing. (ORS 192.660(2)(i))

The meetings will be conducted in-personMembers of the public can click the link below to view the regular meeting:

Or One tap mobile :

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Note regarding public comment:
Procedures for Oral Public Comment
The Board establishes the following procedures for public comment at Board meetings held in open session. The information will be accessible and available to all patrons accessing or attending such a Board meeting.

  1. Public comment is limited to its designated place on the agenda and while time allows.
  2. A person wishing to provide public comment, if an opportunity is provided by the Board during a meeting open to the public, do so as directed prior to the Board meeting.  A request to give public comment in-person or electronically does not guarantee time will be available.
  3. A person speaking during the public comment portion of the meeting may comment on a topic not on the published agenda.
  4. A person speaking during the public comment portion of the meeting should state their name, whether they are a resident of the ESD, and, if speaking for an organization, the name of the organization. A spokesperson should be designated to represent a group with a common purpose.
  5. A person giving public comment is limited to an established time limit of three minutes. Statements should be brief and concise. The Board chair has discretion to waive time limits or extend the overall time allotted for public comment. Additional time will be allocated in a fair and equitable manner. If a person has more comments than time allows or is unable to comment due to time constraints, the person is encouraged to submit additional written comments to the Board through the ESD office as directed.
  6. Inquiries from the public during the designated portion of the agenda will not generally be responded to immediately by the Board chair, and may be referred to the superintendent for reply at a later date. The Board will not respond to inquiries that are expected to be addressed during another designated portion of the agenda.

The Board will not hear public comment at Board work sessions.  Topics raised during the public comment portion may be considered for inclusion as agenda items at future Board meetings.

Written comment can be submitted via email to