Road Closure: Row River Road -09/03/24
Road Name: Location: Closure: Dates and Times: Reason for closure Alternate routes: ShoreviewDrive Park Access - West end of Row River Road M.P. 6.10 Army Corps Roundabout M.P. 6.40 Row Point M.P. 7.40 Harms Park Boat Ramp East End of Row River Road M.P. 9.50 Bake Stewart ParkRow River Road East of Cottage Grove Milepost 8.7 Now through 7:00 p.m. on September 30,2024 Construction work to replacefailing culvert underthe road to mitigate future landslides.
This notice is for the fourth and final road closure which is expected to be complete around September 30, 2024.
Lane County will be performing construction work to replace failing culverts under Row River Road to mitigate the risk of future landslides. The work will take place at four different locations between spring and fall of 2024. Each culvert replacement will require a full road closure of 4-6 weeks.
TripCheck will be updated regularly as dates may change as construction progresses.