Keizer Police Dept.
Emergency Messages as of 2:10 am, Sun. Oct. 6
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News Release
Traffic Safety Patrols PSA - 01/23/23

In the past few years, there has been an alarming increase in serious injury vehicle crashes across the nation, including the state of Oregon.  During the month of February, members of the Keizer Police Department’s Traffic Safety Unit will be enhancing patrol efforts to enforce traffic laws that lead to injury crashes such as distracted driving and speeding.  The unit will also focus on drivers/occupants who are not wearing their seatbelt.  These extra patrols are in conjunction with the nationwide “Click-It-or-Ticket” campaign, which begins January 30 and runs through February 12, 2023.

As always, we hope everyone remains safe on the roadways.  For more information regarding seatbelt safety, please visit:

For questions concerning traffic safety, please contact Sgt. David LeDay at 503-390- 3713 ext. 3482 or email at

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