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News Release
Open House for Liberty High School Sustainability CTE Facilities - 05/22/23

Hillsboro School District invites the community to tour Liberty High School’s new facilities supporting sustainable agriculture/design career-technical education

May 22, 2023, Hillsboro, OR - An informal open house will be held to enable the community to view and tour facilities recently constructed to support Liberty High School’s sustainable agriculture/design career-technical education program. Seniors will present their capstone projects for the program.

Made possible by the 2017 Hillsboro School District Bond, two facilities were constructed at the north end of Liberty’s campus: a sustainable agriculture/design building comprising classrooms and workshops; and a solar array canopy that will enable students to monitor and study photovoltaic power generation. Completed for $3.68 million in January 2020 and $1.97 million in May 2023, respectively, these facilities provide students with opportunities to study and apply environmentally-sustainable practices and technologies that can lead them into related post-secondary education and careers. (COVID restrictions had prevented a public tour of the building at completion.) 

Click on the links for more information about career and college pathways information for sustainable agriculture and sustainable design. Construction project archives may be found at: https://www.hsd.k12.or.us/Domain/1135.

The media is invited to this community event.

What: Open house

Where: Liberty High School Sustainable Agriculture/Design Building, 

7550 NE Jacobson Street, Hillsboro, OR 97124

Parking is available across the street at the HSD Transportation building

When: Thursday, May 25, 2023, 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Agenda: Informal open house and walk-through. Students and staff will be available for interviews during the open house.

RSVP: Media are asked to RSVP to Communications Officer Beth Graser at graserbe@hsd.k12.or.us or 503-844-1772.


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