Gresham Police Dept
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News Release
Speed Investigated as Factor in Fatal Motorcycle Crash (Photo) - 07/20/24

RELEASE DATE:                    July 20, 2024
CONTACT PERSON:            On-duty PIO
CASE NUMBER:                      24-30128

Gresham, Ore.—A traffic crash involving a motorcycle and pickup resulted in a fatality. At approximately 10:00 a.m., Gresham police officers and medical personnel responded to a report of a traffic collision involving a motorcycle and pickup at SE 190 Dr. and SE Cheldelin Rd. The operator of the motorcycle died as a result of his injuries from the collision. The driver of the pickup stayed at the scene and cooperated with the investigation. 

The crash investigation has been assigned to an East Metro Vehicular Crimes Team (VCT). Speed of the motorcycle is a factor that will be analyzed during the investigation.

Anyone who witnessed the collision and has not already spoken with an officer is asked to call the Gresham Police Tip-Line at 503-618-2719.


Attached Media Files: 24-30128.pdf , Media_Release.jpg
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