Gresham Police Dept
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News Release
Sheriff's Deputy Injured in Gresham Traffic Crash (Photo) - 02/09/24

Gresham, Ore.— Gresham Police are investigating a Friday morning traffic crash that injured a Multnomah County Sheriff’s Deputy. The Deputy was driving a marked patrol car through the intersection of NE Halsey St and NE 201st Ave shortly before 1 a.m., when they were struck by another motorist.  Officers from the Gresham Police Department were asked to conduct the investigation into the crash. 


The MCSO Deputy suffered minor injuries.  The other driver suffered traumatic, but non-life threatening, injuries and was transported to a local hospital. 


The intersection where the crash occurred is covered by a public safety camera system, operated by the Gresham Police Department.  Video of the intersection shows the Deputy was proceeding on a green light.  The other motorist ran the red light and struck the Deputy’s patrol vehicle.  The other driver admitted consuming marijuana earlier in the day. 


Investigators believe speed and impairment by the other driver may be factors in this crash.  The other driver was issued a citation for driving with a suspended license.  When the investigation into the crash is complete, it will be referred to the Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office for review. 

Attached Media Files: MCSO_Crash.pdf , Crash.JPG
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