Grants Pass Police Department

Emergency Messages as of 12:26 PM, Sat. Mar 1

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News Release

Pharmacy Robbery In Grants Pass (Photo) -09/06/22

Grants Pass, Ore. - On September 4th, 2022, at approximately 1:00 pm, Grants Pass Police responded to a robbery at the Albertsons Pharmacy in the Allen Creek Shopping Center. The suspect presented a note to the pharmacy purporting to have a firearm. The suspect fled the store prior to police arrival and left in an unknown direction. No weapons were presented during the robbery, and no one was physically injured. 

The suspect was described as an approximate 6’00” tall white male adult in his 40s to 50s with a thin build. The male wore a green fishing-style hat, sunglasses, a black colored facemask, and blue jeans. The Grants Pass Police Department is seeking the community’s help in identifying the pictured male. Anyone with information related to this investigation is encouraged to contact Detective Justin Hoy at 541-450-6343.


Attached Media Files: 1.PNG, 4.PNG, 3.PNG, 2.PNG,