Grants Pass Police Department

Emergency Messages as of 12:22 PM, Sat. Mar 1

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News Release

Bank Robbery (Photo) -03/16/22

On Tuesday, March 15th, 2022, at 4:35 PM, the Grants Pass Police Department received a 911 phone call from Key Bank, located at 1646 Williams Hwy.  Employees at Key Bank reported the bank was just robbed by a male suspect wearing a mask and hat.  The suspect was reportedly armed and last seen on foot near Walgreens.  Police officers responded to the area, set a perimeter, and searched for the suspect.  Officers developed suspect information related to a vehicle that left the bank area.  Approximately seven minutes after the robbery occurred, officers located the suspect vehicle traveling south on Allen Creek Rd.  The suspect vehicle continued to the end of Allen Creek Rd. and turned onto Denton Trail, a dead-end road.  

The vehicle's sole occupant, 46-year-old Bradley Erichsen, was contacted and taken into custody without further incident.   Subsequent investigation revealed evidence to arrest and lodge Erichsen on robbery and theft charges.  

Attached Media Files: 3437.jpeg,