Grants Pass Police Department

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News Release

Domestic Violence Suspect Apprehended In Semi (Photo) -07/21/20


Ellis, Aaron T.  26 years of age

Grants Pass resident


Kidnapping in the First Degree

Unauthorized Use of a Weapon (3 counts)

Strangulation-Domestic  (2 counts)

Menacing  (2 counts)

Unauthorized Entry into a Motor Vehicle

Resisting Arrest

Interfering with a Police Officer

Attempting Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle


On 07/20/20 at about 2223 hours, The Grants Pass Department of Public Safety (GPDPS), recieved a 911 call of a domestic violence incident in the 500 block of NE Anderson. The 32 year-old victim stated she had been assaulted by her husband, Aaron Ellis who is 26 years-old and from Texas. The victim had fled the residence to make the 911 call and said her grandmother could not escape and Ellis said he would kill them both with knives he had menaced them with. GPDPS police units reponded and were concerned this was a possible hostage situation. Ellis was said to be intoxicated and this only increased the concerns. 

The grandmother was safely removed from the residence and it was determined Ellis had fled on foot prior to officers arriving at the residence. GPDPS officers canvassed the area for a lengthy period and could not locate Ellis. It was then discovered, keys belonging to the wife for her semi-truck were missing and Ellis was capable of operating it. Now there was concern if the semi became mobile, it posed a serious threat to the public, officers, as well as Ellis due to his level of intoxication and his previous crims against others. The semi was located in the back of Winco on NE Terry Lane where it was parked. Officers were able to confirm Ellis was inside and began to give PA annoucements. Elllis refused to exit after he was ordered to and informed he was under arrest. 

Ellis refused to comply and officers were forced to break a window and introduce OC into the cab. Ellis tried to start the semi and more OC was deployed. He was eventually taken into custody without further incident and treated for his exposure at Three Rivers Medical Center before being lodged at the Josephine County Jail on numerous charges to include, Kidnapping in the First Degree, Assault 4 Domestic x 2, Domestic Menacing x 2, Unlawful use of a Weapon x 3, Domestic Strangulation and Resisting Arrest. 

The Grants Pass Department of Public Safety would appreatiate it if anyone has any information regarding this case to please contact us at (541) 450-6260 and reference #2020-33649. We would also like to thank our citizens for all your support. 


Attached Media Files: Aaron.jpg,