Eugene Springfield Fire

Emergency Messages as of 4:21 PM, Fri. Feb 14

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News Release

Two Rescued From The Low Head Dam On The Willamette River In Glenwood (Photo) -07/06/24

Springfield, OR.  Eugene Springfield Fire completed a water rescue on the Willamette River in Glenwood Saturday afternoon. At 2:17 PM on July 6th, ESF’s water rescue crews were dispatched to the low head dam for two individuals on a strainer below the dam.  Crews arrived to find the two individuals who needed boat rescue from a dangerous situation. The individuals had been floating the river in an inflatable raft which is now deflated and stuck in the strainer.  The boaters were wearing life jackets which aided in the positive outcome. The low head dam is a dangerous obstacle in the river and people who float the river need to stay far right to avoid potential disaster.  

We ask the community to make appropriate choices when floating our swift water rivers.  Cheap inflatable tubes, rafts, kayaks and other floats designed for pools and lakes should not be used on the river. Water rescue calls take a minimum of 3 fire crews and an ambulance out of service to manage. 



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