ESD 105

Emergency Messages as of 6:21 AM, Wed. Feb 19

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News Release

ESD 105 Is Handing Out FREE BOOKS FOR KIDS Every Month At The Downtown Yakima Farmers Market! -05/24/24

[Yakima, Washington] In the last three years, Educational Service District 105 has hosted a variety of free book giveaways for students, handing out more than 50,000 books to kids in south central Washington. Supported by the Innovative Approaches to Literacy Grant which has provided nearly $4 million in funding stretched over five years, these book giveaways represent one unique way ESD 105 is encouraging families to engage with young learners at home through the love of reading. 


ESD 105 plans to hand out more free books every month this summer at the Downtown Yakima Farmers Market beginning this Sunday, May 26th!! 

📚 Books available for kids of all developmental levels from baby to high school

📚 English, Spanish and dual language titles will be available 
📚 Up to 3,000 books available at each giveaway

📚 Free bookmarks to help mark your spot!


We will have a booth at the Downtown Yakima Farmers Market open from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. each day... We hope to see you there!

📚 May | Mayo 26
📚 June | Junio 30
📚 July | Julio 28
📚 August | Agosto 25
📚 September | Septiembre 29
📚 October | Octubre 20


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