Dougy Center

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News Release

Portland Couple To Trek 30 Miles Through Portland Neighborhoods On The Longest Day Of The Year (June 20) In Support Of The Dougy Center (Photo) -06/17/20

Richard and Tatyana Sundvall hope to raise $10,000 for local programs to help grieving children and teens, including families affected by COVID-19.

WHAT: This is the sixth year that Portland couple Richard and Tatyana Sundvall will trek 30 miles through Portland’s urban neighborhoods on the longest day--from sunrise to sundown--to raise awareness and support for The Dougy Center and programs for grieving children and families. They call their walk "Dawn to Dusk".

WHEN:  The longest day of the year, Saturday, June 20, starting at sunrise, 5:22 a.m.

WHY: As Tatyana says: “The loss of someone you love is truly one of the longest days of anyone's life. The Dawn to Dusk walk on the longest day of the year is symbolic of those grieving a death.” The Sundvall’s have suffered through losses in their own lives and love the work of The Dougy Center. To help The Dougy Center, even in a small way, gives them satisfaction like they’ve never felt before and helped them with their own healing.

HOW: The Sundvall’s will being their walk at sunrise (5:22 a.m.) at Irving Park and end at sunset (9:03 p.m.). They will post updates on their walk to their Twitter and Instagram feeds (@dawntoduskwalk). They’ll also be sharing their location in real time throughout the day so you can follow them (with photos) on (search for ‘D2D 4 Dougy’ by clicking on ‘Tracks’).

They welcome anyone who wishes to participate to join them virtually and share to the Dawn to Dusk social media. The Sundvall’s will also match all donations to The Dougy Center for the Dawn to Dusk walk. Donations can be made at


About The Dougy Center
The Dougy Center provides support in a safe place where children, teens, young adults and their families who are grieving a death can share their experiences. In addition, our Pathways program provides a safe place for families facing an advanced serious illness. Locally, The Dougy Center serves more than 550 children and 425 adult family members on average each month with peer support groups in Portland, Hillsboro and Canby. Support groups are currently being held virtually and all grieving families in the Portland Metro area are welcome to participate. Through the National Center for Grieving Children & Families, The Dougy Center also provides information and training locally, nationally and internationally to individuals and organizations seeking to assist children in grief. The Dougy Center does not charge for its support services, and relies solely on the generous donations of individuals, corporations and foundations. To learn more, visit

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