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News Release
River Forks Play Structure
River Forks Play Structure
11-14-23 New Play Structure Completed at River Forks County Park (Photo) - 11/14/23


November 13, 2023


(Douglas County, Ore.) The Douglas County Parks Department is excited to announce that the newest play structure at River Forks County Park was successfully installed last week and is officially open to the public. The new play structure is located adjacent to the existing upper playground and replaces the nonoperational wooden replica of Fort Umpqua which was removed for safety reasons.  It includes a 23-foot-tall climbing portal tower with a 12 foot-tall partial-tube spiral slide and is surrounded at the base by soft rubber tiles for safety.   The play structure was designed by Playcraft Systems, LLC of Grants Pass, Oregon, the largest manufacturer of playground equipment on the west coast. 

“This is an ingenious play structure for all ages to enjoy!” declared Garet Brown of Roseburg who was climbing to the top on Wednesday with his younger brother Grant. “This new playground was a great idea, it’s like a skyscraper for kids!”

The installation of the new playground is part of Douglas County’s continual park improvement plan and was paid for entirely by Douglas County Parks Department funds, with approval for the project made possible by the Douglas County Board of Commissioners.  Other recent park improvements at River Forks County Park include the replacement of the lower & upper playground areas, new restroom facilities, new upper pavilion and the restoration of our iconic “Willie” and “Baby” whale splash pad feature. 

We are so excited to provide yet another family-oriented recreational opportunity for our residents and visitors alike.  The new play structure (at River Forks County Park) is the latest in a series of Douglas County Park improvement projects focused on enhancing local destination points, right here in our own backyard,” stated Douglas County Parks Director, Mark Wall.

River Forks County Park is a large park located at the confluence of the North Umpqua and South Umpqua Rivers about 6 miles west of Roseburg on River Forks Park Road. The county park offers day-use recreational opportunities like playgrounds (including an all-inclusive playground), fishing, kayaking, swimming, rafting, picnicking, walking and pavilion rentals. 

The Douglas County Parks Department was established in 1949 and was the first County Park system to be developed in the state of Oregon. From the Pacific Ocean to the Cascades and throughout the 100 Valleys of the Umpqua, the Douglas County Park system encompasses 70 properties, including 23 boat ramps, 11 campgrounds and 42 day use parks. The Parks Department appreciates the public’s patience as they continue to improve your recreational experience in our county parks. For more information, or to locate a park, campground, or boat ramp near you, visit the Douglas County Parks Department’s webpage at:


Media Contact: Tamara Howell, Douglas County Emergency Communications & Community Engagement Specialist | Public Information Officer | Office: (541) 957-4896 | Cell: (541) 670-2804 | Email:

Kellie Trenkle, Public Affairs Specialist, Douglas County Public Affairs Office
Office: (541) 440-4493 | Cell: (541) 670-5381 | Email: 

Photo Collage Attached: @KTrenkle/Douglas County. Individual Photos available upon request. 

Attached Media Files: River Forks Play Structure
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