04-04-2020 Daily Local COVID-19 Update (Photo) -04/04/20
(Douglas County, Ore.) - Local COVID-19 Test Results
As of 12:00 PM, April 4, 2020, there is one new case of COVID-19 in Douglas County. The number of positive cases has now reached eleven total in the county, one recovered, zero deaths and 323 negative tests for COVID-19 in the county. Douglas Public Health Network has begun their epidemiologic investigation, identifying individuals who may have had close contact with the individual testing positive for COVID-19 and advising quarantine. Identifying information about the new positive case is not being released, to protect the patient’s privacy. One of the individuals who earlier tested positive has now recovered. DPHN defines recovery as an end to all symptoms after a positive test for COVID-9.
The sixth Douglas Public Health Network COVID-19 drive through testing clinic was completed on Friday April 3 at the Douglas County Fairgrounds. 31 more people were tested, after getting orders for a COVID-19 test by their health care provider. The DPHN sponsored testing clinics have tested nearly 200 people and is holding another testing clinic in Reedsport today, Saturday, April 4, 2020.
At this time, you can only get a COVID-19 test through your healthcare provider. Residents must be identified by their health care provider, as a patient that is symptomatic, and needs to be tested. Information has been given to providers and clinics about how to get their patients signed up for the drive-through testing clinics. If you want to be tested, you must talk to your health care provider. Tests are currently being processed at the Oregon State Public Health Lab and a growing number of commercial labs, like Quest and LabCorp. There are very few outpatient clinics in Douglas County offering testing at this time. Community health partners are working very hard to make testing available to a wider number of people. The first drive thru testing site was piloted in the county on March 17, 2020, 199 people have been tested so far in the DPHN sponsored drive through clinics.
Oregon COVID-19 Case Update
Oregon Health Authority reports new cases once a day on its website at www.healthoregon.org/coronavirus. The Oregon Health Authority is also releasing the daily situation status report, which is produced jointly with Oregon Office of Emergency Management. It details the overall picture of the COVID-19 outbreak within the state and the response across government agencies. Read more here about the daily situation status report.
First Responders Show Support for Healthcare Workers
First responders from throughout Douglas County expressed their support for local healthcare workers with a processional of emergency vehicles around Mercy Medical Center Friday evening.
“Although the event was held at Mercy Medical Center, this was an expression of solidarity for not only the healthcare workers at the hospital, but all of them working so hard throughout our county during this time,” said Sheriff John Hanlin.
The display appeared to be well received, bringing tears and smiles to many workers at the hospital who could take a momentary break to watch the processional; some of whom were in dressed in personal protective equipment.
“That was so sweet and had many of us in tears. I love our community,” said one registered nurse.
Hanlin said he hopes the moment showed the hardworking professionals just how much they are appreciated.
Stay Informed with the Accurate Information
Your Douglas County Board of Commissioners, Douglas County Public Health Officer, Dr. Robert Dannenhoffer and the Douglas County COVID-19 Response Team have been working hard to cooperatively provide accurate and timely information and a response to Douglas County residents. If you have questions about resources available, call the COVID-19 hotline, staffed by local volunteers at (541) 464-6550. Stay up to date on COVID-19 in Douglas County on the DPHN website at www.douglaspublichealthnetwork.org. Find additional information on state, federal and international COVID-19 response from the following websites: Oregon Health Authority, Centers for Disease Control, World Health Organization and by calling or logging onto 211Info.