Ore. Dept. of Public Safety Standards and Training

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News Release

DPSST Hosts Oregon Fire Chiefs Association Safety & Health Roundtable (Photo) -02/03/20

The Department of Public Safety Standards and Training (DPSST) is pleased to host the Oregon Fire Chiefs Association's (OFCA) Roundtable series for career and volunteer fire service leaders from around the state.  

Today, DPSST hosted the Safety, Health Wellness and Training Roundtable which brought together Safety Officers, Training Officers, and other interested fire service personnel from any size agency. 

This afternoon's Roundtable speaker was Dr. Gavin Horn.  Gavin Horn is a Research Engineer with the UL Fire Safety Research Institute (FSRI). Gavin’s research interests range from firefighter health and safety and first responder technology development to material testing and nondestructive evaluation. Prior to joining the UL FSRI team, he served as the Director of IFSI Research Programs at the University of Illinois Fire Service Institute (IFSI) for 15 years and as a Firefighter/Engineer with the Savoy (IL) Fire Department. Gavin holds a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign as well as a ME in Fire Protection Engineering from the University of Maryland.Dr. Horn has published over 70 peer-reviewed journal manuscripts and given presentations at meetings, conferences and symposia around the world.

Each Roundtable provides a setting for Chiefs and Chief Officers from similar agencies to meet and engage in open conversation about current issues and opportunities facing the fire service. Roundtable attendees hear from peers and experts, build connections, and strategize for the challenges of today.

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