WHAT: On Thursday, November 21 the Coquille Indian Tribe is hosting state legislators and other leaders as the Oregon Department of Human Services' Office of Resilience and Emergency Management conducts an emergency preparedness exercise and installs evacuation assembly point (EAP) equipment.
Members of the media are invited to tour the EAP equipment and attend a news conference.
WHERE: Coquille Indian Tribe Plank House. Media parking at 1050 Plankhouse Road, Coos Bay, OR 97420.
WHEN: Thursday, November 21, 2024
WHO: Leaders from the Coquille Indian Tribe, State legislators and leaders from Coos County and the Oregon Department of Human Services’ Office of Resilience and Emergency Management
WHY: The Coquille Indian Tribe agreed to host the EAP supplies provided by OREM. The supplies are housed in metal shipping containers that store food, water, tents and medical supplies to support 100 people at the evacuation assembly point (EAP) for two weeks in the event of an emergency. Evacuation assembly points are short-term locations for people to gather while emergency responders work to access the impacted area, and stage people for evacuation.
This is the third set of EAP equipment that OREM has placed on the Oregon Coast. Others are located at the Tillamook Municipal Airport and Newport Airport. These are pre-planned locations for people to be transported out of the immediate disaster area.
OREM is the lead state agency for mass care (e.g., shelter, food and water). Along with partners like the Coquille Indian Tribe, OREM has staged these supplies in coastal communities because they will be isolated from responders in the immediate aftermath of the Cascadia earthquake.
HOW: For interviews or additional information please contact: