$566,848 In Funding Available To Provide Culturally Responsive Domestic Violence And Sexual Assault Services To Survivors -09/09/24
The Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS) seeks proposals through OregonBuys for a grant of up to $566,848 to provide culturally responsive domestic violence and sexual assault services to survivors. The grant comes from the Survivor Investment Partnership (SIP) within ODHS’ Self-Sufficiency Programs.
The funds provided through this grant must be spent by June 30, 2025, for the 2023-2025 biennium. Funding for the 2025-2027 biennium, if approved by the Oregon Legislature, could be added through an amendment with the option to renew up to a cumulative maximum of 6 years.
To be considered for evaluation, an application must demonstrate how the applicant meets all requirements:
- Must not already be a grantee of SIP funds.
- Must be a 501c3 Oregon nonprofit providing domestic violence and sexual assault services to survivors in Oregon, relocating to Oregon, or relocating out of Oregon.
- Must be a culturally responsive / culturally specific organization not currently contracted with the agency to provide domestic violence and sexual assault services, or
- Must be a current domestic violence sexual assault organization contracted with the agency looking to use these funds to expand services for an identified culturally specific population, or
- Must be a qualified victims services program, with certified advocates per ORS 40.264.
To learn more about this opportunity refer to Bid Solicitation: S-10000-00009881 in OregonBuys.
A webinar will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2024, from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Pacific Time to provide information to potential applicants about SIP, provide a description of the partnership, explain the grant process and answer any questions applicants may have. Applicants should go to OregonBuys for details about the webinar and how to join. A copy of the information posted as of Sept. 9, 2024, is provided below as a courtesy.
- Webinar Link
- Meeting ID: 161 195 4636
- Passcode: 209672
The deadline to apply for the grant is Sept. 24, 2024, 3 p.m. Pacific Time.
All communications related to any provision of the Request for Grant Application must be directed to Sharon Landis who is the single point of contact. Applicants with questions should submit them to Sharon via email at Sharon.M.Landis@odhsoha.oregon.gov.
About the Survivor Investment Partnership
SIP joins together the Nine Tribes of Oregon, culturally responsive domestic violence and sexual assault organizations, and co-located advocacy agencies to provide services to survivors of domestic violence. The intent of the partnership is to increase the accessibility of services and meaningful financial support to survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault for Black, Indigenous, People of Color, and other communities that have been marginalized.
SIP funds are General Funds which allow for flexibility and autonomy on how the grant recipient provide services and assistance that best meet the needs of each domestic violence and sexual assault survivor they assist. The funds will be used to support staffing for survivor services and to offer financial assistance to vulnerable populations for resources including but not limited to housing, legal fees, immigration fees, penalties, lock changes, cameras, rental assistance, moving costs, plane tickets, license fees, housing application, emergency hotel and other supports that can be directly related to desired outcomes.
About the Oregon Department of Human Services
The mission of the Oregon Department of Human Services is to help Oregonians in their own communities achieve wellbeing and independence through opportunities that protect, empower, respect choice and preserve dignity.