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News Release
OR-Alert Award
OR-Alert Award
OR-Alert Contributors Recognized by Oregon Emergency Management Association (Photo) - 10/24/22

OR-Alert Contributors Awarded 2022 Innovation, Collaboration and Service Award by Oregon Emergency Management Association 

Salem, OR— Oregon Emergency Management Association (OEMA) has awarded the 2022 Innovation, Collaboration and Service Award to individuals from Oregon Enterprise Information Services and Everbridge, Inc. for their combined efforts to lead the implementation of Oregon’s statewide emergency notification system, OR-Alert.

OEMA’s Innovation, Collaboration and Service Award recognizes those who have made an outstanding contribution in the creation or promotion of a new service or program, collaborated for team improvement or provided exemplary service to the field of emergency management.  

Individuals recognized include Oscar Parsons, Enterprise Information Services Statewide Interoperability Program Manager, William Chapman, Enterprise Information Services Statewide Interoperability Coordinator and Sarah Batmale, Everbridge Inc. Technical Account Manager. 

Parsons stated, “Since its inception, the tools that make up OR-Alert have been used more than 3,000 times to alert people in Oregon to life threatening hazards. OR-Alert was created based on the idea that we are better when we work together. It is partnerships with emergency managers, 911 professionals, public information officers, and community members that has made the OR-Alert program so unique and effective.”

The success of the critical OR-Alert implementation is magnified by the system’s reach to 3.7 million residents across 36 Oregon counties, tribal nations, and state agencies in the event of a natural or manmade disaster. Oregon jurisdictions are provided equitable access to a statewide, centralized, resilient, sustainable, scalable and unified system for alerts, warnings and notifications. OR-Alert provides people in Oregon with meaningful opportunities to make life-saving decisions in the face of emergencies. 

Terrence Woods, State Chief Information Officer of Enterprise Information Services stated, “OR-Alert empowers individuals to sign up for alerts through variety of methods – be it through downloading the Everbridge app or texting in your zip code to 88877 to anonymously register for alerts.”






Attached Media Files: OR-Alert Award
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