Clatsop County
Emergency Messages as of 12:46 am, Sat. Jul. 27
No information currently posted.
News Releases
County Budget Committee Has Two Vacancies - 07/26/24

(Astoria, OR) — Clatsop County is accepting applications for two vacancies on the County-wide Budget Committee. 

Budget committee members review the proposed overall county budget, make recommendations and approve the proposed budget for adoption by the county commissioners.

The committee is made up of five local residents appointed by commissioners. The committee generally meets in May to review the proposed budget. One vacancy is for a term ending June 30, 2025, and the other for a term ending June 30, 2027.

It is preferred but not required that applicants live within Commissioner Districts 1 and 4. District 1 includes Warrenton, Hamond and southwest Astoria. District 4 represents areas south and east of Astoria.

The application deadline is 5 p.m. Monday, August 19, 2024. To apply, submit an online application at You also may pick up an application at the Clatsop County Manager’s Office, 800 Exchange St., Suite 410 in Astoria.

The Board of Commissioners will make the appointment during one of the Fall 2024 Board of Commissioners meetings.


Temporada de incendios forestales; La quema de escombros es la principal razón de los incendios provocados por el hombre - 07/26/24

(Astoria, OR) — Mientras los encargados de los incendios aumentan el peligro de incendio, Clatsop está creando conciencia sobre los peligros de las quemaduras.

"La quema de escombros es la principal razón de los incendios provocados por el hombre", dijo Justin Gibbs, director de manejo de emergencias del condado de Clatsop. “Le instamos a que evite quemar escombros del jardín este verano. Podemos reducir significativamente el riesgo de un gran incendio forestal esperando a que arda o tomando medidas adicionales para controlarlo”.

A principios de este mes, los administradores de incendios aumentaron el nivel de peligro de incendio a Alto (amarillo) para los recreacionistas que utilizan los bosques en las zonas climáticas NW-2 y NW-3. No se permiten quemar barriles ni fogatas residenciales en NW-2 y NW-3 cuando el peligro de incendio sea alto.

La forma en que elimine los escombros de su jardín podría prevenir un gran incendio forestal.

Considere la posibilidad de hacer abono, triturar o cubrir su pila hasta que sea más seguro quemarla. O llévelo a un centro de reciclaje.

Si no puede quemar de manera segura los escombros de su jardín, cubra la pila para dejar que se seque durante el verano. Luego quémelo en el otoño cuando vuelva a ser seguro.

Si debes quemar:

  1. Llame a su agencia de bomberos local antes de quemar, para asegurarse de que no haya restricciones ni requisitos.
  2. Consulta la previsión meteorológica
  3. Limpia un círculo de 10 pies alrededor de tu pila.
  4. Tenga siempre una manguera conectada a un suministro de agua, o tenga una fuente de agua disponible y mantenga una pala cerca
  5. Nunca uses gasolina
  6. Queme únicamente los escombros del jardín
  7. Quédate con tu quemadura. Nunca lo dejes desatendido
  8. Asegúrate de que el fuego esté apagado y frío al tacto.

El Departamento de Calidad Ambiental de Oregón tiene un mapa en línea que muestra las restricciones de prevención de incendios.

Si se quema y se le escapa, podría resultarle costoso. Si su quema de escombros se extiende fuera de control, es posible que tenga que pagar los costos de supresión y los daños a las propiedades de sus vecinos, lo que puede ser extremadamente costoso.

Para obtener más información sobre la quema de escombros y la prevención de incendios forestales, visite, o su departamento de bomberos o distrito de bomberos local.


Wildfire Season; Debris Burning is Leading Reason for Human-Caused Fires - 07/26/24

(Astoria, OR) — With fire managers increasing fire danger to high earlier this month, Clatsop is raising awareness of the dangers of burning.

“Debris burning is the leading reason for human-caused fires,” said Justin Gibbs, Clatsop County emergency management director. “We urge you to avoid burning yard debris this summer. We can significantly reduce the risk of a large wildfire by waiting to burn or taking extra steps to control a fire.” 

Fire managers increased the fire danger level to High (yellow) for recreationists using the forests in the NW-2 and NW-3 weather zones. Burn barrels and residential campfires are not allowed in NW-2 and NW-3 under when fire danger is High.

How you dispose of your yard debris could prevent a large wildfire. 

Consider composting, chipping, or covering your pile until it’s safer to burn. Or haul it to a recycling center.

If you cannot safely burn your yard debris, cover your pile to let it dry out over the summer. Then burn it in the fall when it is safe again.

If you must burn:

  1. Call your local fire agency before you burn, to make sure there are not any restrictions or requirements
  2. Check the weather forecast
  3. Clear a 10-feet circle around your pile
  4. Always have a hose connected to a water supply, or have a water source available, and keep a shovel nearby
  5. Never use gasoline
  6. Burn yard debris only
  7. Stay with your burn. Never leave it unattended
  8. Make sure your fire is dead out and cold to the touch

The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality has an online map showing fire prevention restrictions.

If you do burn and it gets away from you, it could be costly. If your debris burn spreads out of control, you may have to pay for suppression costs and damages to your neighbors’ properties which can be extremely expensive. 

For more information on debris burning and wildfire prevention, visit, or your local fire department or fire district


Wildfire Prevention Campaign Launched in Clatsop County - 07/19/24

(Astoria, OR) - Clatsop County is launching a five-week wildfire prevention campaign and week one focuses on defensible space.  

With defensible space a buffer is created between your home or business and the grass, trees, shrubs or any wildland area that surrounds it.  

“Look at your plants, landscape arrangement, and outdoor furniture nearby and make sure they are giving embers or flames less options to latch onto and ignite,” said Emergency Management Director Justin Gibbs. “Taking that time now could help keep you and your loved one stay safe in the future."

The Oregon State Fire Marshal has several resources to help Oregonians create and maintain defensible space. These simple actions could make a difference when a wildfire occurs.   

Check out previous OSFM webinars. They are geared towards helping you be prepared for a wildfire. 


Público invitado a realizar encuesta sobre desarrollo económico - 07/08/24

(Astoria, OR) — Como parte de un proceso de planificación de oportunidades económicas. El Departamento de Desarrollo Comunitario del Condado de Clatsop invita a los miembros de la comunidad y propietarios de negocios locales a completar una breve encuesta sobre los problemas futuros de desarrollo económico que enfrentan el Condado de Clatsop y el noroeste de Oregón. 

“Queremos y necesitamos escuchar a los residentes y dueños de negocios. Esta es su oportunidad para brindar su opinión sobre cómo le gustaría que el condado de Clatsop creciera económicamente”, dijo el gerente de planificación del condado de Clatsop, Jay Blake. 

Con la probabilidad de que el Plan de Conservación del Hábitat recientemente aprobado límite los ingresos provenientes del corte forestal y posiblemente cause una reducción en los empleos con salarios decentes, el condado de Clatsop se encuentra en una circunstancia crítica.  

 La encuesta en línea estará disponible hasta el 5 de agosto de 2024, en Inglés Español


Public Invited to Take Economic Development Survey - 07/08/24

(Astoria, OR) — As part of an economic opportunities planning process. Clatsop County Community Development Department invites community members and local business owners to complete a short survey on future economic development issues facing Clatsop County and northwest Oregon. 

“We want and need to hear from residents and business owners. This is your opportunity to provide input on how you would like to see Clatsop County grow economically,” said Clatsop County Planning Manager Jay Blake.

With the likelihood that the recently approved Habitat Conservation Plan will limit revenue from logging and possibly cause a reduction in living wage jobs, Clatsop County is at a critical juncture.

The online survey is available through August 5, 2024, in English and Spanish.


Excessive Heat Warning Issued for Clatsop County - 07/03/24

(Astoria, OR) — Most of Clatsop County will be under an excessive heat warning Thursday, July 4 through Sunday, July 7 according to the National Weather Service Portland. 

"We’re talking from going from the 60s to 100 plus degrees in 24-48 hours,” said Justin Gibbs, Clatsop County Emergency Management Director.

Interior parts of Clatsop County can expect dangerously hot conditions with temperatures possibly from 100 to 105 degrees. Hottest temperatures are expected Friday through Sunday, peaking on Saturday, according to NWS Portland.

“We have two concerns,” said Jill Quackenbush, Clatsop County Public Health Deputy Director.

“The first is heat-related illnesses. We encourage individuals to keep hydrated, stay out of the heat as much as possible and check on loved ones and neighbors. You can check your heat risk with the CDC’s new HeatRisk tool. It is simple to use. All you need to do is enter your zip code.

“Our second concern is that folks will head for rivers and ocean to cool off forgetting that the water is still very cold. Water shock is a leading cause of drowning,” she said. 

Heat related illnesses increase significantly during extreme heat events. During extreme heat the National Weather Service recommends:

  • Drink plenty of fluids
  • Stay in an air-conditioned room
  • Stay out of the sunshine
  • Check up on relatives and neighbors

 If you plan on being by the water:

  • Bring plenty of fluids
  • Bring the right safety gear
  • Put together a float plan so family and friends know where you are heading and when you’re expected back

“We also caution people to avoid leaving young children and pets in unattended vehicles. Car interiors will reach lethal temperatures in minutes,” Quackenbush said.

During this extreme weather event, public buildings such as government offices, libraries and some fire departments can serve as cooling spaces during the heat. 

For cooling center information and other human services, dial 2-1-1 during business hours or visit in Oregon or in Washington.

For more information, visit the National Weather Service for forecast updates. 
