Clark Co. Sheriff's Office

Emergency Messages as of 7:21 AM, Mon. Jan 27

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News Release

Small Aircraft Crash-two Deceased-Daybreak Area -04/29/19

At 16:11 Hrs. 04/29/2019 a pilot flying over the Daybreak area of Clark County reported a downed aircraft in a marshy area south of the East Fork Lewis River at the dead end of Bjur Road off NE 269th Street.  The pilot directed emergency services to the crash site while circling overhead.  Clark County Fire Rescue personnel and Cark County Sheriff’s deputies located the downed aircraft, a single engine, two seater, home build propeller plane crashed into a shallow pond in about two feet of water.

The aircraft contained the bodies of the deceased pilot and a deceased passenger, both adult males that appeared to have perished on impact.  The exact time and circumstances of the crash are unknown at this time. The crash site has been secured while awaiting arrival of investigators from the Federal Aviation Administration.  No further details are being released at this time.