Salem City Councilor Andersen Announces Resignation (Photo) -08/09/22
SALEM, Ore. – Salem City Councilor H. Thomas Andersen, representing Ward 2, announced his resignation at a City Council meeting August 8, 2022. Andersen has served on the council since 2014.
“After nearly eight years serving as Ward 2 City Councilor, today I am announcing that I will resign from this position in order to focus on my bid to become the next state representative for House District 19,” said Andersen. “I am confident that Ward 2 will have an excellent successor, Councilor Linda Nishioka. I am also grateful to my wife Jessica Maxwell, for her unflagging, constant support during my time on the council.”
Andersen stated that the time he must devote to his election to the Oregon House of Representatives, along with his position as a fulltime attorney, was the deciding factor in his resignation.
“I have poured my heart and soul into the last eight years representing my ward, and the people of Salem, and I am proud of the work I have been able to do with all of you on this council. Together we’ve done the work to make sure Salem could build new shelters for homeless residents, provide incentives for new affordable housing, begin working on a climate action plan, build a new police station, upgrade the library, and improve the lives of all people of Salem.”
“Tom, you’ve been a mentor, friend, colleague, co-conspirator, over the years,” said Salem Mayor-elect Chris Hoy during last night's City Council meeting. “On behalf of the residents in Ward 2, and for the entire city, I know we’re all better off for your service and I really appreciate it.”
“It has been an absolute honor to work alongside all of you and to fight for the people of Salem. I will miss you all.” said Andersen in his closing remarks.
City Council voted to appoint Linda Nishioka as interim ward 2 councilor to serve the remainder of Andersen’s term until Nishioka, who was elected this past spring, begins her elected term in January. Nishioka could be sworn in as soon as the next City Council work session on August 15.
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