City of Oregon City
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News Release
Mayor Denyse McGriff (left) presents Fifth Grader Brittney Gil-Rosales her award for placing second in the Oregon Mayors Association
Mayor Denyse McGriff (left) presents Fifth Grader Brittney Gil-Rosales her award for placing second in the Oregon Mayors Association "If I Were Mayor..." contest, with Candy Cane Lane Elementary School Principal Jacinta Ortiz.
Oregon City School District Student Places Second In State-wide Competition (Photo) - 06/07/24

An Oregon City School District student took place in a statewide "If I Were Mayor..." contest. 

in April of 2024, the City of Oregon City recognized students at a City Commission meeting for placing in the local Oregon City “If I Were Mayor…” Student Contest. This contest is run at the state level through the Oregon Mayors Association (OMA) and encourages fourth through twelfth grade students to share their creative ideas on what they would do as mayor of their city.

Placing first in the poster category for fourth and fifth graders of the local contest was fifth grade student Brittney E. Gil Rosales. Brittney highlighted four main categories on her poster that she would tackle as Mayor of Oregon City: addressing homelessness, generating more committees, creating a community garden and spreading kindness in the community. 

Brittney wrote, “I believe a town needs a kind and welcoming community… if I were Mayor, I would make sure everyone was kind to each other… because everyone deserves to be treated fairly and with respect”.

As the first-place winner in the local contest, Brittney’s poster was entered into the statewide OMA “If I Were Mayor…” Student Contest, where she was named as the second place winner. Brittney was awarded a certificate from OMA and a $300 check for her accomplishment on Friday, June 7.

On June 7, Mayor Denyse McGriff was delighted to present Brittney’s award at Candy Lane Elementary School’s Award Ceremony. At the awards ceremony, Brittney’s poster was proudly displayed, and the Candy Lane Elementary School principal, Jacinta Ortiz, was thrilled to announce Brittney's achievement in front of her peers and teachers. Brittney received immense praise and Mayor McGriff emphasized her enthusiasm in receiving more entries from Candy Lane Elementary School students in next years “If I Were Mayor…” Student Contest.

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