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News Release
Lake Oswego Public Library launches Community Visioning Process - 02/02/23

The Lake Oswego Public Library is embarking on a community visioning process to shape the future of the library for generations to come.

The goals of visioning process are to:

  • Create a shared community vision for the future of Lake Oswego Public Library
  • Understand resident’s current and future needs for library services, facilities, and amenities
  • Determine the Library’s role to address community challenges and meet emerging needs

From now through May, the visioning process will cast a broad net to engage the Lake Oswego community. These robust and inclusive engagement efforts will include: internal and external stakeholder interviews, online community survey, in-person community forums, focus groups, and passive information gathering points through Lake Oswego.

“We are looking for your ideas to help create the future of our Lake Oswego Public Library. I am excited for this opportunity for our community, Library team, City Council, Library Advisory Board, and all our invaluable partners to collectively shape the future of our Library as a continued essential resource for Lake Oswego. This is your time to Shape Your Library, Create Our Future!” shares Melissa Kelly, Library Director.

To optimize a robust and inclusive engagement process, the Library is working with BerryDunn, an industry-leading consulting firm. The consultant team will provide depth and breadth of expertise with a national and local frame of reference. In collaboration with Library staff, the consultant team will facilitate broad-based and inclusive community conversations about the needs of the Library’s service-area residents, the roles of the Library in serving its community, and the resources necessary to meet the community’s future vision for library services.

This work is in support of the Lake Oswego City Council goal to determine the long-term needs of the Lake Oswego Public Library, as well as 2021 Community Survey results in support of expanding library amenities, services, and facilities in the future.

For more information about this process, a list of upcoming outreach events, and to share your thoughts and vision for the future in our online survey, please visit or email


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