City of Battle Ground

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News Release

SWIIRT Investigating Officer Involved Shooting In Unincorporated Clark County, Washington -10/30/20

**10/30/20  6:18 pm:  Edits to release noted below in bold**

The Southwest Washington Independent Investigative Response Team (SWIIRT) with assistance from the Lower Columbia Major Crimes Team, and the Washington State Patrol is investigating an Officer-Involved Shooting that occurred just before 6:00pm in the 6800 of NE Hwy 99 in unincorporated Clark County, Washington.

Summary of events:

Deputies and Officers from the Regional Drug Task Force office contacted a man suspected of selling illegal drugs in the parking lot of the Quality Inn motel.  The man was alone in his vehicle when he was contacted by police.  When contacted, the man fled on foot, with officers and deputies close behind. Soon after the foot chase began, the man produced a handgun, and the officers backed off.

A short time later, the subject encountered three Clark County Deputies who all discharged their pistols. During the crime scene investigation, a Glock model 23, 40 caliber pistol was found near the deceased by independent crime scene investigators.  All involved Deputies have been placed on administrative leave, which is standard while the investigation is underway. Family identified the deceased as 21 year-old Kevin Edward Peterson, Jr. of Vancouver.  The Independent Investigation Team, has been in contact with the family.  The independent investigation is ongoing.

Chief Mike Fort from the Battle Ground, Washington Police Department will serve as the PIO for this incident.   Chief Fort can be reached at

If anyone has information about this incident, please contact