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News Release

County Climate Project Environmental Justice Coalition To Hold Final Meeting On Feb. 3 -01/28/25

Vancouver, Wash. -- The Clark County Climate Project Environmental Justice Coalition will meet at 3:30 pm on Monday, Feb. 3.


The Environmental Justice Coalition (EJC) consists of 15 community-based organizations. The group is helping the county meet the public engagement and environmental justice requirements of new state Climate Change Planning legislation, in which the county is now required to add a Climate Element to its Comprehensive Plan. The legislation emphasizes that planning and policy decisions related to climate change do not impact us all in the same way. The EJC is one of three advisory groups supporting the county's Climate Project.


This will be the group's last meeting as they wrap-up their work for the Climate Project. The meeting will be held in a hybrid format with both in-person and virtual participation options. Attend in Room 680 of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin St., or join virtually through information provided at:


The meeting is open to the public and includes a brief public comment period. A recording of the meeting will also be available for viewing afterwards.


To learn more about county climate planning, sign up for project updates, submit a comment, or review meeting recordings, please visit the project website at


The county's Climate Project is being funded by a state grant. The Washington Department of Commerce climate planning grant is supported with funding from Washington's Climate Commitment Act (CCA). The CCA supports Washington's climate action efforts by putting cap-and-invest dollars to work reducing climate pollution, creating jobs, and improving public health. Information about the CCA is available at

MEDIA ADVISORY: We Compost Celebrates Success: Over 50,000 Pounds Of Food Waste Diverted From Landfill In 2024 -01/27/25

Vancouver, Wash. -- Clark County Public Health's We Compost program is celebrating the residents and community partners who have united to reduce food waste in Clark County -- and media is invited to join the celebration! 


We Compost offers Clark County residents free and convenient access to composting service through established drop-off locations, or community hubs, across the county.  


Media are invited to attend the celebration event Tuesday, Jan. 28 in Vancouver and obtain video and/or photos of the following activities: 

  • 12:30 pm: Presentation by Cark County Solid Waste Operations staff about the county's innovative strategies to divert food waste from the landfill, statistics on the program's success and plans for the future of the program. 
  • 1 pm: Guided roundtable discussion with community hub site leaders. 


Clark County staff and community hub site leaders will be available for interviews after the scheduled activities conclude at 1:30 pm. Media will also be able to record video and/or take photos at the community hub site. 


Please confirm attendance with Marissa Armstrong at Public Health ( prior to the event to receive event location information


About the program 

We Compost Community Hubs connect the community by increasing access to composting for people who live in multifamily residences or outside of the curbside organics service areas. The program inspires residents to transform their food waste disposal practices to lessen climate impacts and support Washington's organics management goals. In 2024, over 50,000 pounds of food waste was diverted from the landfill through the We Compost program. Learn more about the program on the We Compost website.   

Construction Begins On County Roads To Improve Access For Pedestrians -01/22/25

Vancouver, Wash. -- Clark County Public Works is beginning construction to upgrade pedestrian facilities on county roads. This work is part of the road preservation program and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) improvements project. Improvements will include upgraded sidewalk curb ramps, added detectable warning surfaces and upgrades to associated pedestrian signals and/or pushbuttons.


Construction will begin in late January and completed by the first week of June. Construction activities will occur on between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays.


For the safety of workers and the public, traffic lanes and/or sidewalks may be closed near work sites. Travelers will be directed around the closures.


Residents can view interactive maps of project locations on our website at


For information about road and park projects, closures, opportunities for community input, and more, residents can follow Public Works on X (formerly known as Twitter), Facebook and Instagram and view information on Nextdoor.


Go to to read this information in another language. Click the button in the top right of the page that says "Change language" next to a globe icon and choose your preferred language.


Vaya a para leer esta información en español. Haga clic en el botón en la parte superior a la derecha de la página que dice "Change language " junto al icono de globo terráqueo y elija su idioma preferido.


Ч?,?3/4б?< пр?3/4?***и?,а?,?OE э?,?NLG и?1/2?"?3/4р?1/4а?**ию ?1/2а р?NLGсск?3/4?1/4 яз?<ке, зайди?,е ?1/2а сай?, Наж?1/4и?,е ?1/2а к?1/2?3/4пк?NLG Change language ("?~з?1/4е?1/2и?,?OE яз?<к") в прав?3/4?1/4 вер?...?1/2е?1/4 ?NLGгл?NLG с?,ра?1/2и?**?< ряд?3/4?1/4 с си?1/4в?3/4л?3/4?1/4 зе?1/4?1/2?3/4г?3/4 ?^ара и в?<бери?,е св?3/4й яз?<к.

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County Seeks Applicants For Community Action Advisory Board -01/22/25

Vancouver, Wash. -- The county manager is seeking applicants to fill the position of a low-income representative from the county's second district on the volunteer Community Action Advisory Board.


Term periods begin immediate and are three years, ending Dec. 31, 2027. Incumbents have the opportunity for re-appointment to two additional three-year terms.


The fifteen-member board makes recommendations about local government funding for basic needs, self-sufficiency, and housing programs. Members also advocate for services supporting low-income communities, families and persons at local, state and federal levels.


Clark County is looking to diversify the board composition and encourages people with diverse backgrounds, experiences and perspectives to apply, especially people of color and from historically oppressed or under-resourced communities.


Interested residents must submit an application and résumé to Abby Molloy, Clark County Community Services, P.O. Box 5000, Vancouver, WA 98666-5000 or


Application information can be found at or by calling Abby Molloy at 564.397.7832.


Deadline is Friday, Feb. 21.

County Seeks Public Comment On Notice Of Intent To Request Release Of Funds For Housing Preservation Program -01/22/25

Vancouver, Wash. -- All comments are welcomed and encouraged regarding a Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds to the U.S. Department of Housing and Development for the Housing Preservation Program (HPP).

Clark County Community Services is proposing to use Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program funds to assist approximately 10 low-income homeowners each year for the next 5 years to make repairs to their homes to ensure they are safe and livable. An annual allocation of $250,000 of CDBG funding will be used to administer the program and complete the repairs.


All federal funding must comply with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA). The HPP is evaluated using a tiered review. Tier 1 is a broad level review and assessed impacts of the following laws and authorities: Coastal Barrier Resources Act, Air Quality, Coastal Zone Management Act, Endangered Species Act, Explosives and Flammable Hazards, Farmlands Protection, Noise Abatement and Control, Sole Source Aquifers, Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, and Environmental Justice. No impacts to the human environment were identified through the Tier 1 review.


Tier 2 reviews assess properties through a site-specific review once the needs of each individual house and homeowner are evaluated to determine the scope of work needed. The laws and authorities to be evaluated through the site-specific review include Airport Hazards, Flood Insurance, Contamination and Toxic Substances, Floodplain Management, Historic Preservation, and Wetlands Protection. Projects will not be completed if there is an impact to the human environment that cannot be mitigated.


Additional project information is contained in the Environmental Review Record (ERR) on file at Clark County Community Services, 1601 E Fourth Plain Blvd, Ste C214, Vancouver, WA, and may be examined or copied weekdays 9 am  to 4 pm with advance notice, or online at


Any individual, group, or agency may submit written comments on the ERR to Michael Torres, Community Action, Housing and Development Manager at Clark County Community Services, address above, by email at, or by phone at 564.397.7801. All comments received by Thursday, Jan. 30, 2025, will be considered by Clark County prior to authorizing submission of a request for release of funds. Comments should specify, "Housing Preservation Program ERR."


The complete Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds can be found on the CDBG website at

Clark County Public Works Planting Hundreds Of Trees In The Minnehaha Neighborhood, Volunteers Invited To Help (Photo) -01/21/25

Vancouver, Wash. – Clark County Public Works is working to increase the tree canopy in the Minnehaha neighborhood via a collaborative effort of Clark Conservation District, several Public Works divisions, local partners and state agencies. The Minnehaha neighborhood was identified as a high priority for tree planting due to its low Tree Equity score, which identified Minnehaha as having a lower percentage of tree canopy compared to other neighborhoods in Clark County, combined with the greatest socio-economic need. Additionally, a recent tree canopy assessment found that the neighborhood lost approximately 25 acres of trees between 2011 and 2023, a total tree canopy loss of nine percent.


Trees will be planted in county road right of way, parks property and in the right of way in front of homes. At least 250 Minnehaha residents will be recruited for a free tree giveaway program in addition to 650 trees planted in parks, county right of way, and throughout the neighborhood. The goal of the program is to plant up to 1,000 trees in Minnehaha by June 30.


To support tree planting efforts, the Clean Water, Roads Maintenance and Operations, and Parks and Nature divisions of Public Works are collaborating with the Clark Conservation District. Funds for this project were provided by the State of Washington Department of Natural Resources Urban and Community Forestry Program.


Three volunteer tree planting events are being held in January.

  • Noon to 4 pm on Thursday, Jan. 23 at Road’s End Neighborhood Park
  • 9 am to noon and noon to 3 pm on Saturday, Jan. 25 at Bosco Farm Neighborhood Park (volunteers can sign up for one or both shifts)
  • Noon to 4 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 31 at Douglas Carter Fisher Neighborhood Park

Urban areas benefit from increased tree canopy in multiple ways. Trees can reduce a community’s temperature 11-19 degrees Fahrenheit. Relief from extreme summer temperatures is increasingly important, and low-income urban areas are more likely to suffer from urban heat island effects (where buildings, pavement and lack of shade trees increases the temperature in an urban area). Additionally, each 100 trees removes 430 pounds of air pollutants and catches about 139,000 gallons of stormwater annually. Studies show that urban tree canopy also provides economic, health and social benefits such as increased property values, increased visitation to businesses, mental health improvements, and increased social connection among residents.


This project is part of a long-term goal to replicate and implement urban tree canopy programs in other neighborhoods throughout the Clark County Urban Growth Area.


More information about the volunteer events, including links to register, can be found at


For information about road and park projects, closures, opportunities for community input, and more, residents can follow Public Works on X (formerly known as Twitter), Facebook and Instagram and view information on Nextdoor.


Go to to read this information in another language. Click the button in the top right of the page that says “Change language” next to a globe icon and choose your preferred language.


Vaya a para leer esta información en español. Haga clic en el botón en la parte superior a la derecha de la página que dice "Change language " junto al icono de globo terráqueo y elija su idioma preferido.


Чтобы прочитать эту информацию на русском языке, зайдите на сайт Нажмите на кнопку Change language (“Изменить язык”) в правом верхнем углу страницы рядом с символом земного шара и выберите свой язык.

Перейдіть на сторінку, щоб прочитати цю інформацію українською. Натисніть кнопку Change language (Змінити мову) зі значком глобуса у верхньому правому куті сторінки та виберіть потрібну мову.



Attached Media Files: digging.jpg, planting.jpg, trees.jpg,

County Climate Project Community Advisory Group To Meet Jan. 22 -01/16/25

Vancouver, Wash. – The Clark County Climate Project Community Advisory Group will meet at 5:30 pm Wednesday, Jan. 22.


The Community Advisory Group (CAG) is made up of 20 county residents who were appointed by the county manager. The group is helping the county develop policy recommendations to implement new state climate change planning legislation for the Planning Commission and County Council to consider. The legislation emphasizes that planning and policy decisions related to climate change do not impact us all in the same way. The CAG is one of three advisory groups supporting the county’s Climate Project.


Community Advisory Group meetings are held at 5:30 pm the fourth Wednesday of the month.


Meetings are in a hybrid format with both in-person and virtual participation options. Attend in Room 680 of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin St., or join virtually through information provided at:


The meeting is open to the public and includes a brief public comment period. A recording of the meeting will also be available for viewing afterwards.


To learn more about county climate planning, sign up for project updates, submit a comment, review meeting recordings, or learn about future community advisory group meetings, please visit the project website at


The county’s Climate Project is being funded by a state grant. The Washington Department of Commerce climate planning grant is supported with funding from Washington’s Climate Commitment Act (CCA). The CCA supports Washington’s climate action efforts by putting cap-and-invest dollars to work reducing climate pollution, creating jobs, and improving public health. Information about the CCA is available at

UPDATE: Paintings By Local Artist Christopher Mooney On Display At The Rebecca Anstine Gallery (Photo) -01/15/25

UPDATE: The previous news release contained a typo.


Vancouver, Wash. – Artwork from local artist Christopher Mooney is currently on display at the Rebecca Anstine Gallery. The show will run through the end of March.


The gallery is on the sixth floor of the Clark County Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin St. It is open 8 am to 5 pm Monday through Friday.


A reception for Mooney will be held at the gallery 5-7 pm Friday, Feb. 7. The event is sponsored by the Clark County Arts Commission. It is free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be served.


Artist statement:

I am a Pacific Northwest professional artist known for my realist paintings of urban infrastructure. My influences have been Edward Hopper’s urban landscapes, Charles Sheeler’s precisionist industrial landscapes, and Antonio Masi’s depictions of New York City bridges. My technique draws on the Old Masters but shifts to a more contemporary style through expressive brushwork, innovative composition, and an effective use of light and shadow. More recently I have begun to incorporate human figures into my paintings, drawing inspiration from artists such as Daniel Greene, Nelson Shanks, Steve Hanks, and Michael Parks.


In 2014 I received a grant from the Regional Arts and Culture Council to create a visual artistic record of construction workers building the new Tilikum Crossing and the Milwaukie Light Rail Bridge. I have continued this theme with new works depicting Vancouver, Washington, barge maintenance workers. With these more recent works, I feel as if I am following in a tradition that has sought to highlight the skill and resilience of manual workers and their contributions to society.

Attached Media Files: Mooney.jpg,

Clark County Accepting Nominations For 2025 Green Business Awards Recognizing Excellence In Sustainability -01/15/25

Vancouver, Wash. – Clark County Public Health is accepting nominations for the 2025 Green Business Awards, an annual celebration and awards program honoring leaders in environmental sustainability.  

The awards recognize businesses and organizations that incorporate sustainability in their decision-making and practices. Nominations are being accepted in the following award categories: 

  • Sustainability Trailblazer: Business or organization demonstrating exceptional innovation and leadership in driving sustainable practices.  
  • Community Champion: Business or organization making a profound and lasting impact on their community through sustainability-driven initiatives. 
  • Seeds of Sustainability: Business or organization in early stages of their eco-friendly journey, working toward green certification.  
  • Sustainability Legacy: Business or organization demonstrating long-standing commitment to sustainability.  

An online application form is available on the Clark County Green Business website. Award descriptions and submission instructions are on the form. The nomination deadline is Friday, March 16.  


Businesses that are not currently a certified Green Business can contact Clark County Green Business at to determine award eligibility. Please note that applying for an award signifies a commitment to completing the Green Business certification process.


Green Business Award winners will be announced in April.

County Council Seeks Volunteers For New Agricultural Advisory Commission -01/14/25

Vancouver, Wash. – The Clark County Council in November approved an ordinance establishing the Agricultural Advisory Commission.  The purpose of the commission is to provide reviews and recommendations to the County Manager, County Council, the Planning Commission and other appropriate boards and commissions on issues that affect agriculture in Clark County. The commission will also provide a forum for those in the agricultural community and others interested in enhancing and promoting the long-term sustainability of agriculture in Clark County.


The council and county manager are seeking thirteen volunteers with consideration and preference given to the following to ensure a diverse representation of various aspects of farming and the agricultural industry.

  • One member from the Clark Conservation District;
  • One member from the Cowlitz Tribe;
  • One member from the agricultural processing industry;
  • One member representing the consumers of agricultural products;
  • One member who has expertise in agricultural programs; and
  • The remaining eight voting members are to include agricultural producers representing both large-scale and small-scale producers of a variety of agricultural products produced in Clark County.

For the initial 2025 appointments, terms are staggered with six members appointed for two-year terms, and seven for four-year terms.


Councilor Sue Marshall who was integral in the creation of the commission states:


”The Council’s support of an Agriculture Commission signals our commitment to ensuring a thriving future for Clark County’s local farms. Securing the advice and guidance from diverse segments of the agricultural community will help both the Council and Planning Commission shape policies that protect our farms and encourage the next generation of farmers.”


Anyone interested in volunteering should submit a brief letter of interest and résumé to Michelle Pfenning, County Manager’s Office, P.O. Box 5000, Vancouver, WA 98666-5000 or email at


Application deadline is 5 pm Friday, Jan. 24, 2025.


Read the establishing ordinance and find more information on the Agricultural Advisory Commission on the county’s website at under the Nov. 19, 2024, public hearing. 

County Seeks Applicants For Community Action Advisory Board -01/10/25

Vancouver, Wash. – The county manager is seeking applicants to fill the position of an elected official from the county’s fifth district on the volunteer Community Action Advisory Board.


The three-year term for the opening begins immediately and ends Dec. 31, 2027. CAAB incumbents have the opportunity for re-appointment to two additional three-year terms.


The fifteen-member board makes recommendations about local government funding for basic needs, self-sufficiency, and housing programs. Members also advocate for services supporting low-income communities, families and persons at local, state and federal levels.


Clark County is looking to diversify the board composition and encourages people with diverse backgrounds, experiences and perspectives to apply, especially people of color and from historically oppressed or under-resourced communities.


Interested residents must submit an application and résumé to Abby Molloy, Clark County Community Services, P.O. Box 5000, Vancouver, WA 98666-5000 or


Application information can be found at or by calling Abby Molloy at 564.397.7832.


Deadline is 5 pm Friday, Jan. 31.

Clark County Medical Examiner’s Office - MEDIA RELEASE -01/08/25

The following information is in reference to a death investigated by the Clark County Medical Examiner’s Office. This investigation is related to a house fire Dec. 7, 2024 on Northeast May Street in Vancouver.


The Clark County Medical Examiner’s Office has been unable to locate next of kin of the decedent, Bruce Weiser, and asks anyone who is related to the decedent or has information about the decedent’s family to please call the office at 564.397.8405, option 3.


This individual was found on 12/07/2024 in Vancouver, WA.

The name of the decedent: Weiser, Bruce David   Age: 71 years

The decedent was a resident of (city/state): Vancouver, WA


The opinions listed on the death certificate are as follows:

Cause of death:  Perforating gunshot wound of head

Manner of death:  Suicide

Other significant conditions: Inhalation of products of combustion

How the injury occurred: Shot self with handgun during house fire

Place of injury: In personal residence


Reports and records of autopsies or postmortems shall be confidential as per RCW 68.50.105. No additional information is available for release from the Medical Examiner’s Office. Refer all other inquiries to Clark County Sheriff’s Office.


Media release issue date: 01/08/2025

Commission On Aging Hosts Members Of The Youth Commission At First Meeting Of 2025 -01/07/25

Vancouver, Wash. – The Clark County Commission on Aging will be joined by the Clark County Youth Commission during a special meeting to be held 6:45-9 pm Thursday, Jan. 23. The meeting will be held in-person. The meeting will not include provisions for virtual attendance but is open to the public. 


Youth Commissioners and COA members will engage in both large and small group discussions, sharing visions and/or ideas around mental health and healing across generations.


The meeting will be held in the sixth-floor Hearing and Training Rooms at the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin St.


The Commission on Aging, supported by the of the Clark County Council, is a nine-member volunteer group that implements the Aging Readiness Plan and provides leadership addressing needs of aging community members.


The Clark County Youth Commission is a youth-driven advisory board and leadership development program. Members ages 11-19 aim to represent the diverse youth living in Clark County. Members provide a youth-oriented point-of-view to the work of the Clark County Council, county departments, and community organizations. 

Influenza Activity, Emergency Department Visits And Hospitalizations Increasing In Clark County -01/07/25

Vancouver, Wash. – Influenza is circulating at increasing levels in Clark County, with the percentage of positive influenza tests increasing significantly in the last month. During the last week of December, 36% of influenza tests were positive, up from 8% one month earlier.


Emergency department visits and hospitalizations due to influenza have also increased significantly in the last month. During the most recent week of data (Dec. 22-28), more than 7% of visits to Clark County emergency departments and 5.5% of county hospitalizations were due to influenza. One month earlier, influenza accounted for less than 1% of emergency department visits and 0.2% of hospitalizations.


“While influenza activity is already high, it’s not too late to get your flu vaccine,” said Dr. Alan Melnick, Clark County health officer and Public Health director. “The flu season can last months. Getting vaccinated now will provide protection throughout the rest of the flu season.”


An annual influenza vaccine is recommended for everyone 6 months and older. Getting vaccinated not only protects the person receiving the vaccine but also helps to protect others around them who are vulnerable to complications from influenza. Young children, pregnant people, people 65 and older and people with asthma, diabetes, heart disease and long-term health conditions are at greatest risk of complications.


“The flu vaccine is safe and provides the best protection against illness, missed days of work or school, and serious complications from influenza,” Melnick said.


The vaccine is widely available at medical offices and pharmacies in Clark County. However, only 24% of Clark County residents have received a 2024-25 flu vaccine.


Other respiratory illnesses
COVID-19 and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) are also circulating in Clark County but at lower levels than influenza. During the most recent week of data (Dec. 22-28), about 1% of Clark County hospitalizations and less than 1% of emergency department visits were due to COVID-19. RSV accounted for less than 1% of county hospitalizations and emergency department visits.


Vaccines that provide protection against COVID-19 and RSV are available, but as with influenza, vaccination rates are low in Clark County.


Everyone 6 months and older should receive at least one dose of the updated 2024-25 COVID-19 vaccine, depending on their previous COVID-19 vaccination history. In Clark County, 15.4% of residents have received the updated vaccine.


The RSV vaccine is available for older adults and pregnant people. One dose of the RSV vaccine is recommended for all adults 75 years and older, as well as adults 60 to 74 years old who are at increased risk of severe illness. In Clark County, 37% of adults 75 years and older have received the RSV vaccine.


Pregnant people should get one dose of the RSV vaccine from September through January, when they are between 32 weeks and 36 weeks of pregnancy, to protect their newborn baby during the time of year when RSV circulates.

In addition to getting vaccinated, there are simple things people can do to keep themselves and their loved ones healthy during respiratory illness season:

  • Stay home when sick and keep sick children home from school.
  • Wash hands frequently with soap and water.
  • Cover coughs and sneezes with your elbow.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Consider masking in crowded indoor places, especially if you or someone you live with is at higher risk for severe illness, or if you have cold-like symptoms and must leave your house.
  • Clean and disinfect commonly touched surfaces.
  • Avoid spending time with people who are sick.

For the latest information about respiratory illnesses in Clark County, visit the Public Health website.

Apply Now For Free 2025 Composter Recycler Certification Training -01/06/25

Vancouver, Wash. – Clark County’s Composter Recycler program is offering a free eight-week certification training for residents interested in learning about low-waste living and sharing sustainability information with the community.

Upon completion of the training, participants will be certified Composter Recycler volunteers who will then share what they’ve learned at community events throughout the year. The certification training prepares participants to take steps to reduce food waste, compost kitchen scraps and yard debris, replace chemical products with DIY green cleaners and properly recycle at home.  

Classes will be held 6:30-8 pm on Wednesdays beginning Jan. 29 at Waste Connections of Washington, 9411 NE 94th Ave., in Vancouver. As part of the training, participants qualify for a compost bin, worm bin, Bokashi bin and a green cleaning kit, and they will tour the transfer station and participate in composting field trainings. 

Here are the 2025 training dates and topics: 

  • Jan. 29: Backyard Composting 
  • Feb. 5: Worm Bin Composting 
  • Feb. 12: Bokashi and Dehydrators (e.g., Lomi) 
  • Feb. 19: Low Waste Chef 
  • Feb. 26: Green Cleaning 
  • March 5: Curbside Recycling Done Right 
  • March 12: Beyond Curbside Recycling 
  • March 19: Composter Recycler Volunteer Orientation 

To learn more about the training and submit an application to participate, visit the Composter Recycler website. Applicants will be contacted to confirm participation. 

The Composter Recycler program educates the community about easy ways to reduce waste, prevent contamination in recycling and create healthier, greener homes. For more information about the program, visit the website, call 564.397.7352 or email

Board Of Health Extends Application Deadline For Education Position On Public Health Advisory Council -01/06/25

Vancouver, Wash. – The Clark County Board of Health is extending the deadline to submit applications for a Public Health Advisory Council position representing the educational community. The term for the volunteer position begins as soon as it’s filled and ends Sept. 30, 2027.

The Public Health Advisory Council meets 5:30-7:30 pm via Zoom on the fourth Tuesday of each month, except the month of December. One meeting each quarter will be in-person at locations across the county. Members may also join council committees that meet periodically throughout the year depending on committee scope and priorities.

The Public Health Advisory Council reviews priority public health needs and makes periodic recommendations to the Board of Health to enhance community health and wellbeing. The council may provide community forums or establish community task forces, as assigned by the Board of Health. And the council reviews and makes recommendations to Clark County Public Health and the Board of Health for the annual budget and fees.

Clark County Public Health promotes healthy communities and environments, health equity, and disease and injury prevention. With community partners, Public Health works to promote healthier choices; ensure the safety of food and water; reduce environmental waste and contamination; and protect people from disease outbreaks through monitoring, early detection and swift response.

Those interested in an appointment to the advisory council should submit a brief letter of interest and résumé to Michelle Pfenning, County Manager’s Office, PO Box 5000, Vancouver 98666-5000. Applications can also be emailed to For questions about council participation and what to expect as a member, email

The application deadline is 5 pm Friday, Jan. 31, 2025.

New Accessible Fishing Platform Opens At Haapa Boat Launch (Photo) -01/02/25

Vancouver, Wash. – The Parks division of Clark County Public Works is excited to announce the completion of a new ADA-compliant accessible fishing platform on the North Fork Lewis River at Haapa Boat Launch. The platform, which is approximately 50 feet long and 11 feet wide, includes three lower handrail spots designed to make fishing more accessible for persons using wheelchairs or similar mobility devices. The project was fully funded by PacifiCorp, which owns and operates the dams on the North Fork.

“Lewis River fishers have been patiently waiting for the accessible platform to be completed and are excited to test out this new amenity at Haapa Boat Launch. The fishing platform is unique for this area – it offers public access to the river and is only a few hundred feet from a parking lot. It will be a great asset for the community at large” says Evelyn Ives, Parks Capital Project Manager. 

“The completion of the ADA-accessible fishing platform not only enhances accessibility for individuals with disabilities, but also strengthens our community’s connection to nature, ensuring that everyone can enjoy the serenity of the outdoors,” said Will Shallenberger, vice president of renewable resources at Pacific Power.

"It marks a significant milestone in a commitment to creating inclusive spaces for all," said Shallenberger.

Haapa Boat Launch is open daily from 7 a.m. to dusk. Visitors recreating on or near the water are strongly encouraged to wear life jackets and take additional precautions during high, fast and cold winter flows.

For information about road and park projects, closures, opportunities for community input, and more, residents can follow Public Works on X (formerly known as Twitter), Facebook and Instagram and view information on Nextdoor.

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Vaya a para leer esta información en español. Haga clic en el botón en la parte superior a la derecha de la página que dice "Change language " junto al icono de globo terráqueo y elija su idioma preferido.

Чтобы прочитать эту информацию на русском языке, зайдите на сайт Нажмите на кнопку Change language (“Изменить язык”) в правом верхнем углу страницы рядом с символом земного шара и выберите свой язык.

Перейдіть на сторінку, щоб прочитати цю інформацію українською. Натисніть кнопку Change language (Змінити мову) зі значком глобуса у верхньому правому куті сторінки та виберіть потрібну мову.


Attached Media Files: platform.jpg,

Elected Officials' Swearing In Ceremony Scheduled For Jan. 7 -01/02/25

Vancouver, Wash. – Presiding Superior Court Judge Derek J. Vanderwood will perform the swearing in ceremony for three local elected officials in a ceremony scheduled for 9:30-10 am Tuesday, Jan. 7. 

Judge Vanderwood will swear in Sherry Erickson as Clark Public Utilities Commissioner District 1; Wil Fuentes, Clark County Councilor District 3; and Matt Little, Clark County Councilor District 4. All three officials were elected during the Nov. 5 general election.

The ceremony will be held in the County Council hearing room on the sixth floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin St. It is open to the public. 

The County Council will hold its first public meeting that morning beginning at 10 am.