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News Release

Benton County And OSU Extension Offer No-cost Domestic Well Testing (Photo) -01/16/25

* Español a continuación * 


CORVALLIS, ORE.— Benton County Health Department is partnering with Oregon State University (OSU) Extension Service to offer domestic well testing at no cost to households in Benton County. The goal of the partnership is to test up to 200 domestic wells in Benton County by June 30, 2025 through a well water safety program. 


The program involves an OSU intern collecting samples from the wells of participants and testing the samples for arsenic, coliform bacteria, and nitrate, all of which can cause health issues if not properly treated. After collection, the samples will be analyzed, and program participants will be invited to free community educational seminars to learn how to interpret results and what to do if these contaminants are detected in their well water samples. 


“It’s important to test your water regularly, since these contaminants have the potential to cause short- and long- term health issues,” said Chrissy Lucas, Outreach Program Coordinator for OSU Extension. “You can’t see, smell or taste these in your water, so testing is the only way to know if these contaminants are present.” 


OUS Extension is planning to host free community educational seminars in the following locations, and more details including dates and venues will be shared when available: 

  • Monroe/Alpine 

  • Alsea 

  • Philomath 

  • Blodgett/Kings Valley 

Households in rural communities and those who meet low-income thresholds are a priority for this program and will be given preference based on level of need. 


“Approximately 23% of Oregonians use private wells as their primary source of drinking water,” said Scott Kruger, Environmental Health Manager for Benton County. “We are thrilled to partner with OSU Extension to offer this vital service, especially at no-cost to community members.”  


People interested in participating in the program should submit an interest form at:


For questions, please contact Chrissy Lucas at or 541-713-5009. 




Benton County is an Equal Opportunity-Affirmative Action employer and does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission or access to our programs, services, activities, hiring and employment practices. This document is available in alternative formats and languages upon request. Please contact the Public Information Office at 541-766-6800 or






CORVALLIS, ORE.— El Departamento de Salud del Condado de Benton se ha asociado con el Servicio de Extensión de la Universidad Estatal de Oregón (OSU) para ofrecer pruebas gratis de pozos domésticos a los hogares del Condado de Benton. El objetivo de trabajar juntos es analizar hasta 200 pozos domésticos en el Condado de Benton antes del 30 de junio de 2025 a través de un programa de seguridad del agua de pozo. 


El programa implica que un estudiante de OSU recolecte muestras del agua de los pozos de los participantes y las analice para detectar arsénico, bacterias coliformes y nitrato, todos los cuales pueden causar problemas de salud si no se tratan adecuadamente. Después de tomar las muestras, se analizarán y se invitará a los participantes del programa a seminarios educativos comunitarios gratis para aprender a interpretar los resultados y qué hacer si se detectan estos contaminantes en las muestras de agua de pozo. 

“Es importante analizar el agua con regularidad, ya que estos contaminantes tienen el potencial de causar problemas de salud a corto y largo plazo”, dijo Chrissy Lucas, coordinadora del programa de Alcance a la Comunidad del Servicio de Extensión de OSU. “No se pueden ver, oler ni saborear en el agua, por lo que la única forma de saber si estos contaminantes están presentes es mediante análisis”. 

El Servicio de Extensión de OSU planea organizar seminarios educativos comunitarios gratis en los siguientes lugares y se compartirán más detalles, incluidas las fechas y ubicaciones, cuando estén disponibles: 

  • Monroe/Alpine 

  • Alsea 

  • Philomath 

  • Blodgett/Kings Valley 

Los hogares de las comunidades rurales y aquellos que están dentro de la categoría de bajos ingresos son una prioridad para este programa y se les dará preferencia según el nivel de necesidad. 

“Aproximadamente el 23% de los habitantes de Oregón usan pozos privados como su principal fuente de agua potable”, dijo Scott Kruger, gerente de salud ambiental del Condado de Benton. “Estamos encantados de asociarnos con los Servicios de Extensión de OSU para ofrecer este importante servicio, especialmente gratis para los miembros de la comunidad”. 


Las personas interesadas en participar en el programa deben enviar un formulario de interés a:


Si tiene preguntas, comuníquese con Chrissy Lucas a o al 541-713-5009. 




El Condado de Benton es un empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades y acción afirmativa y no discrimina por motivos de discapacidad en la admisión o el acceso a nuestros programas, servicios, actividades, contratación y práticas de empleo. Este documento está disponible en formatos e idiomas alternativos a pedido. Comuníquese con la Oficina de Información Pública al 541-766-6800 o

Attached Media Files: SP.png,

E-Filing Available For Benton County Business Personal Property Accounts -01/02/25

CORVALLIS, Ore. – The Benton County Assessment Department now offers an electronic filing platform (E-File) for Business Personal Property accounts in Benton County. Business owners are asked to use this online system to file their Business Property returns, as required by Oregon Revised Statute 308.290.

E-filing is fast, convenient and secure. It minimizes input errors and reduces costs for both the business owner and Benton County.

The online filing system for 2025 Business Personal Property returns will be available starting Jan. 2, 2025. Instructions will be mailed on that date to business owners who have not filed electronically before. Those who have previously filed electronically will receive instructions through email.

The deadline to file without incurring a penalty is March 15, 2025. Business Personal Property returns filed electronically will be digitally postmarked during submission. Please visit the Benton County Business Personal Property page for additional information. 

Want to learn more? The Benton County Assessment Department will offer a virtual workshop for community members on Thursday, Feb. 6 from 10:00 a.m. – noon.

Residents interested in attending the workshop should send an email to the Department of Assessment, with a valid email address, through the contact webpage.

Questions? Call the Department of Assessment: 541-766-6855.


Benton County is an Equal Opportunity-Affirmative Action employer and does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission or access to our programs, services, activities, hiring and employment practices. This document is available in alternative formats and languages upon request. Please contact the Public Information Office at 541-766-6800 or