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News Release
Pick your favorites in the 2024 Battle Ground Public Schools District Art Show (Photo) - 05/10/24

The 65th annual Battle Ground Public Schools Art Show returns this month, bringing back the popular People’s Choice Award. Community members can vote for their favorite submission at each grade level (primary, middle and high) through Sunday, May 19. Top selections will receive the People’s Choice Award at the May 28 board of directors meeting. Board meetings are open to the public and available to watch online.

“This event is a favorite for many of our art teachers, students and families,” said Allison Tuchardt, one of the district’s directors of curriculum, instruction and assessment and one of the organizers of the art show. “Online viewing allows family members from all over the country to see our students' amazing work and participate in the show. I am proud of the work our teachers and students display every year!”

Tuchardt is the daughter of the late Bob Peck, an art teacher at Battle Ground High School for 37 years. Peck created the BGPS Art Show in 1959 along with Battle Ground city librarian Florence Rieck as a way for the community to enjoy the creativity of its students.

The show features art by students in pre-kindergarten through 12th grade in a variety of media: 2D, 3D, photography and digital art/video. In addition to being viewable on the district’s website, winning pieces will be displayed in person at the May 28 school board meeting, where student-artists will be recognized.

“I am always amazed to see the talent on display from students throughout the district, and impressed by the dedicated art educators who help foster and shape that creativity,” said Superintendent Denny Waters. “The popularity of this event, even after 65 years, serves to show how much our community understands and appreciates the importance of arts in education. We are pleased to support these students through continuing this  tradition.”

In addition to People’s Choice Awards, students will be eligible to receive the coveted Bob Peck Award, Superintendent Awards, Board’s Choice Awards, Best of Show and juried awards.

The public is invited to view students' art on the district website and choose their favorites for the People's Choice Award through May 19.

Attached Media Files: 2023-24_ArtShowBGPS_(3).png
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