Bureau of Land Management Ore. & Wash.
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News Release
Little Elk Mountain landslide. BLM photo.
Little Elk Mountain landslide. BLM photo.
BLM closes Little Elk Mountain Road following landslide (Photo) - 10/21/24

Eugene, Ore. — Bureau of Land Management are preparing to close Little Elk Mountain Road around November 1, 2024. A landslide is encroaching on the road, also known as BLM Road 16-8-36, around mile marker 1.4. The public can expect to see warning signs posted and a gate installed at the junction before the slide. 

“We are closing the area to protect public safety,” said Dennis Teitzel, the BLM’s Northwest Oregon District Manager. “Without a stable shoulder, the road is increasingly dangerous for drivers and the recreating public.”  

BLM officials determined the closure is necessary during the wetter portions of the year, when the slope is less stable. A series of cool, wet winters have exacerbated pre-existing instability on the hillside along Lamb Creek. Last spring, BLM officials urged caution in the area. Now the slide has moved even closer to the road, potentially compromising its structure. The slide behavior is expected to continue and the seasonal closure will now be in effect during wet soil conditions, typically from November 1 through May 1.  

Landslides are common throughout the Coast Range due to the underlying geology. This particular hillside has been unstable since at least 2006. Little Elk Mountain Road had to be relocated after a minor landslide in 2021. Sandstone weathers easily, and layers within the stone can fracture, leading to slides. In fact, Triangle Lake was created when a landslide created a natural dam across Lake Creek. 

Once the weather dries out in the Spring, the soil is expected to stabilize for the season, but movement may be triggered over the coming years during prolonged wet conditions. This seasonal closure order will be in effect for the next two years while the BLM assess a potential re-route or permanent road closure.  

The official closure order is posted on the BLM ePlanning website and can be accessed through this url: eplanning.blm.gov/eplanning-ui/project/2031444/510


The BLM manages more than 245 million acres of public land located primarily in 12 western states, including Alaska, on behalf of the American people. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. Our mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.


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