Salem Police Dept.

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News Release

Detectives Search For Additional Victims In Sex Crimes Case (Photo) — Correction -03/26/25

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                 

DATE: March 26, 2025

Correction: 03/26/2025 | 2:15 p.m.

The ages of the victims were incorrectly reported in the original statement. When the crimes occurred, two victims were 12 years old, and the third victim was 17 years old.

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Originally published: 03/26/2025 | 1:15 p.m.

Detectives search for additional victims in sex crimes case

Salem, Ore. — Damien Matthew Arellano was arrested in California on March 3 for several sex crimes involving three Salem girls between the ages of 12 and 13.

The investigation began in January of this year; however, Arellano, who lives in Salem, fled the state. On February 20, a Marion County Grand Jury indicted Arellano on two counts of first-degree sex abuse, second-degree unlawful sexual penetration, and second-degree rape.

A US Marshals Service task force located Arellano in the Los Angeles, California area and was taken into custody without incident. Arellano was extradited to Oregon and is now lodged at the Marion County Jail on the listed charges.

As a result of the investigation, detectives suspect there may be other Salem minors who were victimized by the 19-year-old Arellano. A recent image of him is included.

Anyone with information about Arellano is urged to contact Special Victims Unit Detective Sabrina Hunter at 503-540-2443.

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Two Arrested, Four Guns Seized In Warrant Service At A Residence In North-central Salem (Photo) -03/20/25

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                 

DATE: March 20, 2025

Two arrested, four guns seized in warrant service at a residence in north-central Salem

Salem, Ore. — Salem Police Strategic Investigations Unit detectives arrested two individuals today as part of a long-term drug investigation involving 55-year-old Michael Allen Housen.

At approximately 5:00 a.m. on Thursday morning, detectives served a search warrant with the assistance of the SWAT team at a residence in the 2700 block of Front ST NE. Housen was arrested without incident. Ray did not immediately exit but ultimately surrendered to authorities.

A second person also living at the location with Housen, Jasson Lewis Ray, age 45, was also arrested.

During the subsequent search of the residence, detectives seized four firearms and small quantities of methamphetamine and fentanyl.

Housen and Ray are lodged at the Marion County Jail on charges of felon in possession of a weapon and, each has multiple outstanding warrants in other cases.

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Detectives Search For Suspect In Stabbing At A Local Park (Photo) -03/12/25

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                 

DATE: March 12, 2025

Detectives search for suspect in stabbing at a local park

Salem, Ore.Salem Police Violent Crimes Unit detectives are investigating a stabbing incident that occurred at a northeast Salem park on March 3.

At approximately 3:30 p.m. on that Monday afternoon, a 19-year-old man was at Highland Park in the 2000 block of Broadway ST NE. The victim was approached by a man unknown to him who then stabbed the victim twice and ran away.

The victim was transported to Salem Health with non-life-threatening injuries.

Officers searched the area but were unable to locate the suspect who was seen running on the Highland Elementary School property which is across from the park to the east.

Detectives are releasing the images obtained from surveillance video and asking for the public’s help to identify the suspect who is described as a Hispanic, male adult of average height with dark hair and a moustache.

The images initially show the suspect wearing a dark hooded sweatshirt with an Oregon State University emblem, a dark head covering, and gray gloves that he shed as he fled the area. He was last seen wearing a blue, plaid shirt with dark pants, and white athletic shoes.

Anyone with information about the incident or the identity of the suspect is asked to the call the Salem Police Tip Line at 503-588-8477 and mention case number SMP25-18839.

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Juveniles And Adult Arrested, Firearms And Drugs Seized In Connection With Menacing In NE Salem (Photo) -03/03/25

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                 

DATE: March 3, 2025

CONTACT: Salem Police Communications Office |

Juveniles and adult arrested, firearms and drugs seized in connection with menacing in NE Salem

Salem, Ore. -- Salem Police arrested four juvenile males and an adult female on Friday afternoon related to a menacing with a firearm call reported on Kacey Circle NE in Salem.

On Thursday, February 27, 2025, Salem Patrol Officers investigated an incident where a community member had been threatened with a firearm by a group of juveniles. On Friday, February 28, 2025, patrol officers located and stopped a vehicle related to the incident the previous day. The vehicle was occupied by four male juveniles and an adult female. One of the male juveniles ran into a nearby residence on Fultz Av NE, but officers on scene were able to negotiate with the occupants to have the male come out.

During the contact with the group, officers located a handgun and the car was seized. Four juvenile males ranging from 15-17 years old and Destiny Quintero, 19, all from Salem, were arrested on various charges including unlawful use of a weapon, unlawful possession of a firearm, theft 1, and misdemeanor elude


In the days following the stop, a search warrant related to this case, was served on the car by officers and two additional firearms were located in the vehicle. On Monday, March 3, 2025, members of the Salem SWAT Team and Salem Police Detectives with the Strategic Investigations Unit served a warrant at the Fultz Av NE residence. During the search investigators located seven pounds of marijuana, a loaded short-barreled rifle and several other loaded magazines and ammunition.

All further inquiries into this investigation should be directed to the Marion County District Attorney's Office.

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One Adult Arrested And Firearm Seized In Armed Person Call Downtown (Photo) 02-28-25 (Photo) -03/02/25

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                 

DATE: March 2, 2025

CONTACT: Salem Police Communications Office |

One adult arrested and firearm seized in armed person call downtown

Salem, Ore. -- Salem Police arrested an adult male on Friday afternoon related to an armed person call reported near the playground at Riverfront Park in Salem.

At approximately 4:49 p.m. February 28, 2025, a community member reported seeing a Hispanic male adult at the playground, near the Salem Riverfront Carousel, carrying what appeared to be a firearm in his waistband.

The reported male had walked north through Riverfront Park towards the Gilbert House Children's Museum. Several Salem officers responded to the area and were quickly able to locate the male based on the detailed clothing description provided by the caller.  

When officers attempted to contact the subject, he fled on foot. The male was seen weaving and ducking between cars during the foot pursuit. Officers were able to catch the male, taking him into custody without incident. The handgun seen by the caller was located by on scene personnel. It was determined the male had discarded the firearm under one of the cars while running from police.

Victor Arenas, age 20, from the Salem-Keizer area, was taken into custody and lodged on charges of unlawful possession of a firearm and interfering with a police officer.

All further inquiries into this investigation should be directed to the Marion County District Attorney's Office.

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Pedestrians Stuck By Vehicle, One Dead And One Hospitalized -03/01/25

DATE: March 1, 2025
CONTACT: Salem Police Communications Office |

Pedestrians stuck by vehicle, one dead and one hospitalized

Salem, Ore. -- The Salem Police Traffic Team is investigating a deadly crash resulting in one person deceased and one person hospitalized.

Just after 2 a.m. on March 1, two adult pedestrians were struck by a pickup truck on Silverton Rd NE near Highway Ave NE. Both were transported to Salem Health where Raymond Dale, 77, died from his injures. The second pedestrian, Ephraim Dale, 49 of Salem, remains hospitalized with critical injuries. A third pedestrian, a 17-year-old female, was traveling with them and witnessed the crash.

Emergency personnel from both Salem Police and Salem Fire were heavily involved in managing this incident and the road remained closed for several hours.

The driver of the truck, Eugene Ensinger, 63 of Salem, stayed at the scene and the circumstances of the crash remain under investigation.

This is Salem's third traffic fatality of 2025.
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