City of Oregon City

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News Release

Oregon City Holding Open House About State-Mandated Parking Standard Changes -01/24/25

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Oregon City, ORE. -- The Oregon City Community Development Department is hosting an open house to share the next steps the City is taking to adhere to the Climate Friendly and Equitable Communities (CFEC) mandates set by the State of Oregon.


The open house is scheduled for Monday, Feb. 10 from 6 -- 7 p.m. in the lobby outside the Commission Chambers at the Libke Public Safety Building.


CFEC is a set of rules the State created and handed down to communities to meet its goal of reducing climate pollution by 75% by the year 2050. Many of these rules involve reforms to parking regulations in the state's most populated areas, which include Oregon City.


Oregon City must adopt code reforms that meet CFEC requirements by June 30 of this year. Municipal codes surrounding parking minimums and maximums, electric vehicle charging, parking design standards and bicycle parking must be enacted by this time.


An online open house will also be held for residents who are unable to attend the physical event on Feb. 10. That open house and more information regarding CFEC can be found at